Nutritional Tips for Older Adults

Nutritional Tips for Older Adults

Growing older means experiencing changes in the body. Your metabolism and digestive system will change. These will cause your appetite to change, too. How can you get enough nutrition as you age, then? Regardless if you are aging in place or staying at a nursing home in Oxnard, California, you should always pay attention to your nutrition.

  • Eat More Protein
    Age-related muscle loss speeds up after the age of 60. Thus, eating more protein is imperative to prevent the detrimental health impact brought about by muscle loss. Doubling the amount of protein you eat as you grow older is a must.
  • Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
    Eat more than five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Consider adding more variety of fruits and vegetables on your plate so you can get more nutrients. Cooperate with the team providing your healthcare in California for a suitable meal plan you can stick to.
  • Get Enough Calcium
    Calcium is essential for having strong bones. As you grow older, the body will slow down its calcium absorption process. Thus, you better drink more milk and ingest calcium supplements as you age.
  • Get Enough Vitamin D
    Vitamin D deficiency is a common age-related problem for seniors. Eat oily fishes such as mackerel, trout, sardines, and salmon, as these are rich in Vitamin D. Aside from fish, you can also look for specially enriched foods.

Older adults who are aging in place or staying in assisted living facilities should pay more attention to their diet and nutrition. Conejo Valley Congregate Healthcare, Inc. has qualified staff who can ensure that you consume sufficient vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy. Come and discuss with us anytime regarding your nutrition needs!

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