Adult Asthma Care—Education and Implementation

Adult Asthma Care—Education and Implementation

Asthma education is an essential component of care. Patient education should be given by doctors, nurses, and other facilities that provide Healthcare in California. Healthcare professionals and patients should work together for better implementation of care.

Nurses and other healthcare providers in Assisted Living Facilities should recognize that educational interventions must extend beyond simply providing basic information. Strategies, as well as a personalized written asthma action plan, should be included to improve the skills and behaviors that will help support self-management among patients.

  • Pathophysiology.
    Educate patients about the physiological processes associated with the condition. Patients should have a clear view of how controlled asthma airways differ from an uncontrolled asthma airway.
  • Medications and Device Technique.
    Patients should be educated about the proper device technique. They should know the importance of taking medications as prescribed, the difference between controller and reliever medications, their indications, and their possible side effects.
  • Self-Monitoring.
    The goal of self-monitoring is to achieve asthma control. Patients should be able to determine the frequencies of factors such as daytime and nighttime symptoms, exacerbations, physical activities, and others. Suggest the use of an asthma diary to monitor asthma control more efficiently.
  • Action Plans.
    An asthma action plan is an individualized written, electronic, or pictorial plan made in partnership with the person with asthma for self-management of asthma. The plan guides could monitor symptoms, reliever use, and perhaps peak flow measurements, and details the management steps to take according to asthma control.

Conejo Valley Congregate Healthcare, Inc. is the most trusted Nursing home in Oxnard, California that aims to provide services that are tailored to asthmatic patients’ needs. Their professional and friendly staff are always ready to assist residents for comfortable living.

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